Uttarakhand Goverment Portal, India (External Website that opens in a new window) http://india.gov.in, the National Portal of India (External Website that opens in a new window)

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About NMMI


National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)



The Centrally Sponsored scheme National Mission on Micro Irrigation (NMMI) was launched in Uttarakhand state in the year of 2011-12 to increase the area under improved method of irrigation to provide stimulus to Horticultural & Agricultural growth. From 2014-15 this scheme is merged as the name of On Farm Water Management under National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture. Under the scheme assistance is provided for installation of drip and sprinkler system. Uttarakhand is covered under ‘C’ category state, in which the establishment of the MI system is estimated to 25% higher than normal establishment cost. By the effect of “C” category the subsidy given in Uttarakhand is 50% of the cost of the micro irrigation system is born by the Central Government for the small & marginal farmers and 35% of the cost of the micro irrigation system is born by the Central Government for the others. The State Government is born 10% subsidy as State Share, which is proposed to increase as 40% for the marginal farmers (only for horticulture crops) of the State by the SMIC to Government of Uttarakhand. The remaining amount is borne by the beneficiary either through his / her own resources or loan from financial institutions. All categories of farmers (individual, Cooperative Societies / Self Help Groups / Incorporated Companies / Panchayati Raj Institutions / NGOs /Trusts / Growers’ Association) are eligible to avail assistance under this scheme.

Uttarakhand is a hilly state, where the total farming of horticulture and agriculture crops is based on rain-fed irrigation. MI system is the judicious and improved methods / technologies for harnessing maximum benefits from available water resources to enhance crop productivity without affecting soil health.



State Level:- To oversee the implementation of National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) programme in the State, including On Farm Water Management (OFWM) scheme (which include micro irrigation activities). The State level, State Level Committee (SLC) chaired by Agriculture Production Commissioner (APC)/Principal Secretary/Secretary (Agriculture /Horticulture) will be setup SLC with have representation from concerned line Departments like Revenue, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Forests etc., CEO of SLNA, SAUs and ICAR Centers will oversee planning and implementation of the Mission. Present NMMI Committee may be notified by the State Government as the NMSA State Level Committee with following changes. The committee may be strengthened with additional members from concerned line departments; to be chaired by APC and in case institution of APC does not exist, senior most Pr. Secretary/Secretary either from Agriculture or Horticulture may be nominated by Chief Secretary of the State as the Chairman. Director (Agriculture) will be Member Secretary and Director (Horticulture) will be Co-Member Secretary of the Committee. Once the SLC for NMSA is notified, the State level Committee of NMMI will stand dissolved. Further, States will have freedom to nominate other nodal Department or Agency or create an autonomous State Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (SMSA) for this purpose. State may setup State Standing Technical Committee (SSTC) to function as arms of central STC and to provide technical advisory to State Mission.

Components of the ongoing scheme (OFWM):-

(i) Area Coverage under Micro Irrigation.

(ii) Human Resource Development through training, awareness programmes, exhibitions, publications and quality control.

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High density mango plantation with vegitable inter-cropping

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