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Contact us



NameTele No. with STD CodeFax No.Email Address
Smt. Amrita Rawat,
Horticulture Minister
0135 - 2666410 0135 - 2666411 -
Smt. Pritam Singh Panwar,
Fruit Industry Minister
0135 - 2666671 0135 - 2665855 -
Shri Om Prakash,
Principal Secretary, Horticulture
0135 - 2712066 0135 - 2714106 omprakash2007[at]yahoo.com
Shri R.C. Sharma,
Additional Secretary, Horticulture
0135 - 2711433 0135 - 2711433 -
Dr. B.S.Negi,
Mission Director, Horticulture Mission
0135 - 2759796 0135 - 2759796 bsn[at]nic.in
Shri Ratan Kumar,
Deputy Director, HMNEH
0135 - 2759796 0135 - 2759796 missionhortiuk[at]gmail.com
Shri. V.P. Kukreti,
Incharge, Mission Cell
0135 - 2759796 0135 - 2759796 missionhortiuk[at]gmail.com
Dr. Surabhi Pandey,
Coordinator, HMNEH
0135 - 2759796 0135 - 2759796 missionhortiuk[at]gmail.com

Regional Offices

Shri. I.P. Kuswaha,
Deputy Director, Garhwal Region, Pauri
01368 - 222227 01368 - 222227 ddh01368[at]yahoo.com
Shri. K.R. Joshi,
Deputy Director, Kumaon Region, Nainital
05942 - 221288 05942 - 221288 bishthorti[at]yahoo.in

District Officers

Shri. Dayalu Ram,
District Horticulture Officer, Almora
05962 - 230082 05962 - 230082 dhoalmora[at]gmail.com
Dr. Narendra Kumar,
District Horticulture Officer, Bageshwar
05963 - 221336 05963 - 221336 dho.bgr20[at]gmail.com
Shri. Shyam Lal,
District Horticulture Officer, Chamoli
01372 - 253635 01372 - 253635 dhochamoli[at]yahoo.com
Shri. Ratan Singh Chaudhary,
District Horticulture Officer, Champawat
05965 - 230765 05965 - 230765 dhochpua[at]gmail.com
Shri. Amar Singh,
District Horticulture Officer, Dehradun
0135 - 2711530 0135 - 2655225 dho.ddn[at]gmail.com
Dr. V.P. Dimri,
Extension Officer Mushroom, Dehradun
05942 - 2665421 05942 - 2665421 extensionofficer.m[at]gmail.com
Shri. Sanjay Srivastava,
District Horticulture Officer, Haridwar
01334 - 239062 01334 - 239062 dho_hdr[at]yahoo.com
Dr. S.K. Singh,
Horticulture Specialist, Kotdwar
01382 - 225336 01382 - 225336 pandeysudhir21[at]gmail.com
Dr. Rameshwar Singh,
District Horticulture Officer, Nainital
05942 - 247266 05942 - 247266 horti.nainital[at]gmail.com
Dr. Rameshwar Singh,
State Apiarist, Nainital
05942 - 224113 05942 - 224113 rameshwarsingh[at]gmail.com
Shri. Jai Dev Singh,
District Horticulture Officer, Pauri
01368 - 222524 01368 - 222524 dhopauri[at]yahoo.in
Dr. Narender Kumar,
District Horticulture Officer, Pithoragarh
05964 - 225275 05964 - 225275 dhopth[at]gmail.com
Dr. S.C. Mishra,
District Horticulture Officer, Rudrprayag
01364 - 233416 01364 - 233416 dhorud[at]gmail.com
Shri. Hitpal Singh,
District Horticulture Officer, Tehri
01376 - 232156 01376 - 232156 dhotehri[at]yahoo.com
Dr. Brajesh Gupta,
District Horticulture Officer, US Nagar
05944 - 250447 05944 - 243812 horti.usn[at]gmail.com
Dr. J.C. Kem,
District Horticulture Officer, Uttarkashi
01364 - 222143 01364 - 222143 nksingh67[at]yahoo.com

Photo Gallery

High density mango plantation with vegitable inter-cropping

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